Friday, 10 April 2015

The Liebster Award

I was nominated to do this little "Get to know..." by the lovely Farihah though the Liebster Award which basically helps people become aware of the blogs that are out there which I thought was such a lovely idea! The questions were right up my street so how could I resist? So grab a hot drink, snaffle a few custard creams, and lets get into it! 

1. If you could pick any fictional character who would you pick and why?
This is extremely difficult as I’m such a book worm and have become connected to so many fictional characters that I still sometimes pretend are real. But the one that sticks in my mind the most is Sally Freedman, who was a fictional character in one of my favourite Judy Blume books growing up. She’s my favourite because she reminds me of me when I was young, forever daydreaming and making up stories in her head!

2. Where is the one place you are determined to visit before you die?

There’s too many to mention, I’ve already been so lucky to see the places I have seen so far. But I would for sure love to visit Machu Picchu, see the Grand Canyon, go to Montego Bay and live a relaxing life in New Zealand.

3. Favorite pizza topping?

Mushrooms for sure, I think they make a great addition to any meal! But I especially love them on pizzas. My favourite pizza at the moment is the Sloppy Giuseppe at Pizza Express, it doesn’t actually come with mushrooms so I ask for them as extra!  

4. What upcoming movie are you excited about?

Jurassic World without any shadow of a doubt! Jurassic Park is my all time favourite film and just to be able to go to the cinema and hear that majestic film score will be a thrill all in itself!

There’s lots of amazing films coming out this year, I’m also super excited about Avengers: Age of Ultron. Similar to Jurassic World, I think these movies provide the ultimate escapism and really make you wanna punch the air!

5. Describe one of your best friends
I’m not going to name names because she’ll be bashful, but this girl honestly has the biggest heart of anyone I know.

She isn’t judgmental; she’s kind and thoughtful and has a fantastic set of nashers. We have an almost identical sense of humour and we both share an unhealthy passion for the same Indian Restaurant.

She’s a wonderful friend and I’m super lucky to have her!

6. Do you every judge a book by its cover? Be honest!
I think everyone can be guilty of this although I try my absolute hardest not too. Sometimes you can’t help a knee-jerk reaction but I think it’s important to make your decision on people based upon who they are rather than what they appear to be.

7. What was the last thing you bought?
A really cute jumper from Gap, it’s grey sweatshirt material with gorgeous cornflower blue Laura Ashley-esque flowers printed onto it, it’s perfect for Sunday wearing!

8. What are your hobbies?

Reading is a big hobby as well as yoga and cooking. I like to do things that are therapeutic and allow me to relieve any stress I've been holding on to which I think those three things do excellently! I always make time to do at least one of them every day, I feel like even if you’re having a not-so-great day, doing something small that you enjoy can turn it around.

9. Weirdest food you've ever eaten?

My beautiful friend Blanca once got me to eat a bug in a strange kind of powdered spice her fiancé has made for his Science Class. It wasn’t super great, but it didn’t make me gag either!

10. Favorite ice-cream?

Oh my goodness, SO MANY! Can I list a few?
·      Nutella ice cream - I had this when I got lost exploring Paris with some girlfriends, the                  clever lady in the shop shaped it into a rose! 
·      Thorntons Chocolate Heaven – this is pure indulgence for me, one of the most incredible             chocolate flavours I’ve ever experienced!
·      Ghirardelli Hot Fudge Sundae – I had this little miracle when I was in San Francisco with              my brother, there are just so many fantastic elements to this work of art!
·      Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough – Because...well you know!
·      Busch Gardens Ice Cream – last one I promise! I had an incredible double scoop of pure               heaven whilst holidaying in Florida – I can’t remember the flavours in there although they           involved vanilla, chocolate and cookie dough!

11. How is your heart lately?
My heart is super happy at the moment. It was in a strange place about a year and a half ago, but now I think it’s exactly where it wants to be and I am incredibly thankful to have the people in my life that makes it feel so good! 

So, there you have it! I'm going to nominate my girl Emma to do this next on her blog, and the questions I want to see her answer are:

1. What is your cult beauty product?
2. If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. When do you feel your best?
4. Describe your perfect Sunday morning.
5. Is there a item of clothing you have that you just feel fabulous in no matter what?
6. Do you prefer being too hot or too cold?
7. What book/movie reminds you of your childhood?
8. Who inspires you the most?
9. What is your favourite quality in another person?
10. Would you rather be able to do a back-flip or the splits?
11.  Favourite fictional character you'd wanna be friends with?

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful funny blog, and an insight to your sole. Not keen on the living in New Zealand bit. Had one of my coughing fits when I came across that part. Loved the rest though, excellent well written.. xxxxx
